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SHINE soundproof luminous walls movement


Movable Luminous Walls

wood wood certified acoustics certified acoustics indoor indoor
The Allure of SHINE: The luminous movable wall by Anaunia with a story to tell.
SHINE soundproof walls with LED

Aristotle said it, and psychology confirms it: geometric shapes are the foundation of our way of knowing and perceiving the world. Through geometry, we solve problems, organize spaces, and construct stories. This is why the SHINE soundproof sliding wall by Anaunia combines geometric shapes and light, functionality and elegance, in a solution that separates, unites, tells stories, and, of course, evokes emotions.

With this product, Anaunia aims to open its doors even wider to special projects and customizations by architects and clients, offering a perfect blend of functionality and emotion, storytelling, and dynamic space management.

The SHINE line is represented by custom movable walls designed by Tommaso Pezzi.

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Performance and pluses

  • Soundproofing from Rw=36dB up to Rw=58 dB
    Soundproofing from Rw=36dB up to Rw=58 dB
  • Module thickness from 12 to 25 centimeters
    Module thickness from 12 to 25 centimeters
  • Maximum height 3 meters
    Maximum height 3 meters
  • Maximum width 120 centimeters
    Maximum width 120 centimeters
  • Eco-friendly and recyclable materials
    Eco-friendly and recyclable materials
  • Formaldehyde emission class E1 panels
    Formaldehyde emission class E1 panels
  • No floor rail
    No floor rail
  • Patents and Certifications
    Patents and Certifications
  • Made in Italy
    Made in Italy

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01 / project02 / project
SHINE movable luminous walls closed
SHINE movable luminous walls sliding
SHINE movable luminous walls door
SHINE soundproof luminous walls closed
SHINE soundproof luminous walls movement
SHINE soundproof luminous walls
SHINE movable luminous walls door

Are you looking for a custom solution?

The SHINE luminous movable walls are ideal for designing an interior with a perfect blend of aesthetic functionality and emotion.
SHINE soundproof walls telescopic module

Forme geometriche e lame di luce costruiscono volumi dinamici e originali: il risultato è un prodotto capace di trasformare residenze private, uffici, sale riunioni in ambienti flessibili, sempre pronti al cambiamento e con nuove storie da raccontare ogni giorno.

SHINE vuole inserirsi negli ambienti come un attore su un palco che agisce nel pieno rispetto della scena e degli spettatori, dosando le luci per illuminare le diverse situazioni del vivere quotidiano. Il dimmer integrato alle pareti manovrabili è in grado di variare l’intensità dei LED, che sono disposti in modo tale che il fascio luminoso non arrivi mai direttamente agli occhi dello spettatore, ma si diffonda sui pannelli tridimensionali suscitando curiosità e interesse.

I messaggi luminosi impressi sulle pareti mobili scorrevoli disegnano così i confini di nuovi spazi stimolanti, creando sinergie tra luce e materia, tra geometria e libertà compositiva, tra spazio e funzioni. E quando la parete cambia, quello che resta è un perfetto equilibrio tra design, praticità e racconto.

Technical details

SHINE pareti mobili insonorizzate logo led
SHINE pareti mobili insonorizzate guide
SHINE pareti mobili insonorizzate profilo
SHINE pareti manovrabili luminose logo led
SHINE pareti mobili insonorizzate logo led
SHINE pareti mobili insonorizzate guide
SHINE pareti mobili insonorizzate profilo
SHINE pareti manovrabili luminose logo led

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